How to improve driver safety

How to improve driver safety.pdf

Employers have a challenging task when combating distracted driving because they can’t be in
the vehicle every time their employee is behind the wheel. However, instilling a culture of safety,
setting clear expectations and providing driver training can help equip your employee with the
tools to make the safe choice behind the wheel. In addition the following tips will help keep your
drivers safe.
Senior management commitment and employee involvement: Senior management should provide
leadership, set policies, and allocate resources to create a safety culture.
Written policies and procedures: Create clear, comprehensive and enforceable traffic safety policies
and communicate them to all employees.
Driver agreements: Establish a contract with all employees who drive for work purposes. By signing
the agreement, the driver acknowledges awareness and understanding of the organization’s traffic
safety policies, procedures and expectations regarding driver performance, vehicle maintenance
and reporting of moving violations.
Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) checks: Check the driving records of all employees who drive for work
purposes. The MVR should be reviewed periodically to ensure the driver maintains a good driving
record. Clearly define the number of violations an employee/driver can have before losing the
privilege of driving for work, and provide training where indicated.
Crash Reporting and Investigation, understanding the root causes of crashes and why they are
happening, regardless of fault, forms the basis for eliminating them in the future.
Driver Training/Communication, Provide frequent driver safety training and communication. Even
experienced drivers benefit from periodic training and reminders of safe driving practices and skills.
More information on driving safety is available on our website, www.compsourcemutual.
com. Click the tab labeled “I am dedicated to Safety,” and select the Industry Specific
Resources link.
These tips were steps are adapted from from the NETS Traffic Safety Primer: A Guidebook for Employers


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